Printed Material for the show!
-Artist Hector Pineda of Pandora’s Box Gallery printed:
- posters with the artwork of Mark Henson, Graphics Fabian Jiminez
- pamphlets with the artwork of Erik Heyninck, Graphics Liba
-large -1meter 80 cm sized stickers for the posts around the plaza. Artwork of Aloria Weaver & David Heskin, Graphics Fabian Jiminez.
-Artist Fabian Jiminez printed and did the graphics for our large -1meter 50cm x 2 meters 25 cm -vinyl banners for in front of the town hall and museum. Artwork by Luis Eleazar Tamani Amasifuen
Many thanks for your time and donation to the community!
- posters with the artwork of Mark Henson, Graphics Fabian Jiminez
- pamphlets with the artwork of Erik Heyninck, Graphics Liba
-large -1meter 80 cm sized stickers for the posts around the plaza. Artwork of Aloria Weaver & David Heskin, Graphics Fabian Jiminez.
-Artist Fabian Jiminez printed and did the graphics for our large -1meter 50cm x 2 meters 25 cm -vinyl banners for in front of the town hall and museum. Artwork by Luis Eleazar Tamani Amasifuen
Many thanks for your time and donation to the community!