The documentary Heart of Sky, Heart of Earth
"INNER SUNS" 5th Chakra by Michel Roudnitska
Full HD (16/9) video creation in 7 parts from shamanic and visionary inspiration, illustrated with nature pictures and computer graphics (fractals, particles, morphings...) combined with an original music score specially composed and synchronized on the images and a fragrance diffusion (100% natural essential oils) according to the energy of each chakra.
Creation in 2014
Images & Montage: Michel ROUDNITSKA
Original Music: Sylvain MENOUD
Creation in 2014
Images & Montage: Michel ROUDNITSKA
Original Music: Sylvain MENOUD
The video presentation from Jade Leyva's conference in San Cristobal
Post by Jade Leyva Art.
Here is a transcript of Bruce Rimell's conference in Mexico:
:: Creative Mythology, or Queer Authenticities ::
In the years from 2010-13, I underwent a series of personal transformations which had an enormous effect on my life, my world and my art. Among these changes was a subtle movement in identity, in which my self-image took a more ancient turn and I began to consider myself not as homosexual or gay, but as Queer. This took place within a wider context in which myth functions as an essential passion in my life, and with the identity-change there came a deepening in my approach to utilising mythforms in my life and my art. This autobiographical essay narrates that movement in somewhat fragmentary form through a selection of several artworks from that period, and represents an attempt to clearly integrate sensations of the Queer and come to a new understanding of myself.
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Poetry reading by M Teresa Clayton
check the preceding blog for pictures from this Exhibition:
Welcome Spring and the Dreams & Divinities San Cristobal show
Welcome Spring and the Dreams & Divinities San Cristobal show