Aeternitas - Asgard series - Conjuring of Dreams - En-trance - I Choose My Scars - Persona & Anima I & II - Portrait I - Reaching - Serenity - Sub Specie Aeternitatis - Thought - Venescular Flight - Zoom Out
Artist website:
Aeternitas - Asgard series - Conjuring of Dreams - En-trance - I Choose My Scars - Persona & Anima I & II - Portrait I - Reaching - Serenity - Sub Specie Aeternitatis - Thought - Venescular Flight - Zoom Out Artist website:
Post by Otto Rapp
JULIA HANZL: IN DOG WE TRUST from Brain Gorillas on Vimeo. Nobody puts oneself into a position of need by choice. It’s up to us to overcome our selfishness and realize, that we all bear responsibility for each other. Trust your sense of solidarity and take action. Keep in mind: it could happen to you. IN DOG WE TRUST. Post by Otto Rapp Here is a video from the BR3 Evening Show (Bavarian Television) about this Exhibition - it is in German: In der Kunst sind wir Frauen ja seit jeher sehr gefragt - siehe die berühmte Mona Lisa, Nofretete oder die Venus von Milo! In einer Ausstellung im niederbayerischen Viechtach dreht sich derzeit auch alles um das weibliche Geschlecht ... Autor: Trixie Ziegler Redaktion: Matthias Keller-May The day before the opening of the Exhibition 70 Stars for PhanArt Viechtach 2015 "Phantastische Venus" with 70 female artists from all over the world! click for album on Flickr ▼ A few photos from the Vernissageon the following day, a group of artists and visitors that attended the vernissage visited the 'Gläserne Scheune' of Rudolf Schmid - a slide show of pictures are found on Otto Rapp's Photo Blog ► Post by Otto Rapp
UPDATE July 25. 2015 The Opening yesterday was a huge success! The exhibition will be open until November 4th Address: Altes Rathaus Viechtach, Stadtplatz 1, 94234 Viechtach/Bayern Opening times: Monday to Friday 8 AM to 5 PM Saturday 10 AM to 1 PM Sunday 10 to 12 AM (until Sept. 27th) Sunday 2 PM to 4 PM on 26.7./09.8/23.8/6.9/13.9/20.9/4.10/18/10 Sunday 1.11 closed Vernissage pictures and News Video |
The Visionary Community Blog is covering everything under the sun having to do with Visionary Art, Surrealism and Fantastic Realism The main contributor to this blog is
Otto Rapp unless otherwise noted on the individual blog entries. Archives
June 2023