“Divining the Dream” is about remembering, reclaiming and rejoicing in our common divinity. It is a thought provoking quest for love.
I have woven the poetry and art of sixty artists and twenty-five poets together with my own, to produce this global expression of love.
I chose material inspired by dreams, meditations, archetypal stories and icons, social and ecological situations and trance states.
The book has no chapters, but quite shortly you might note that it follows the romance of our divine mother and father as they weave the wheel of the year. Moving through the solstices, equinoxes and the forgotten holydays which originally marked the beginning of our four seasons, we follow both their dance and our own heart. Dancing in the same rhythm, through our familiar humanstory, from birth to growth, decline to death, we rise so high and dip so low. We are on a hero’s journey: harvesting lessons and revelations.
Painters Aloria Weaver and David Heskin along with Delvin Solkinson (editor of CoSM Journal) have gifted the book by proofing it with me.
| Divining the Dream is now available in London at the bookstore Treadwells and Mysteries. It is also available in Paris museum bookstores: The Pompidou, Musée des Arts Decoratifs-Louvre, Palais de Tokyo, Musée d'Art Modern, Halle St Pierre, Maison Rouge. Also available on Amazon and of course my store. Buying a book directly from me allows me to give 15 euros from each book sold, to the Dreams & Divinity Travelling Show. Liba WS Store |
Previously published on Blurb: Dreams & Divinities by Liba WS
Note: these books are officially out of print and may well be deleted from the blurb offering
Dreams & Divinities - | Dreams & Divinities collector's edition |
Aloria Weaver helped me bring together and select images from some of the most talented women painters in the visionary art movement.
Much of the work in here can also be found in the Dreams & Divinities edition: Divining the Dream (also check book preview and links on top of this page)
Participating Artists:
Martina Hoffmann, Brigid Marlin, Maura Holden, Wessi, Amanda Sage, Gabriela Garza Padilla, Autumn Skye, Helena Nelson Reed, Elisabeth Slettnes, Liba WS, Aloria Weaver, Joanna Angie, Sarah Zambiasi.
I have taken the images and laid them out with poems from a selection of women poets.
Participating poets:
Hazel Archer Ginsberg, Aleah Sato, Ingrid Andrew, Andrea Freeman, Gabriela Garza Padilla, Helena Nelson Reed, Aloria Weaver, Liba WS.
With these jewels, I have created a book which celebrates our dreams and divinity through beauty.
Vision without action
is a day dream,
Action without vision
is a nightmare.
- Japanese proverb
Post by Otto Rapp